- 사람들이 5차원을 발명했다고? 발견했다고? 만약에 발견했으면 그 사람들이 시간을 물리량으로 변화시키는 방법을 알았다거나 했겠지? 그럼 우리 우주는 본래 사람들이 만들어낸 시공간에 살고 있는건가? 미래의 사람들이 빅뱅을 일으킨거라면?
- 근데 시공간이 함께있는 것이라면, 그니까 시간도 물리적 성질을 띠게 된다면 어떨까? 우리가 감히 상상할 수 없는 것인가? 아니면 3차원에 살고 있는 우리에게 2차원의 평면 종이가 세상의 일부이듯이 이들에게도 그런 것인가? 블랙홀은 그 사이로 통하는 구멍이고? 그럼 5차원 사람들에겐 우리 우주는 평면 같은거다. 아니면 선. 그 사이로 뭔갈 보낼 수 있다는 자체가 그들에게는 혁명이었을지도 모른다. 우리도 선 사이로 들어가는 법을 탐구할 수 있을까? 우리 우주가 계속 팽창하는 것도 그들에게는 선을 계속 긋는 것과 같지 않을까?
- 교장쌤이 생물체에만 시간이 작용한다고 하셨다. 하지만 물체에도 시간은 흐른다(적어도 그렇게 보이기는 하다.). 만약 시간이 분자 사이사이에 존재하는것이라면, 그래서 5차원에 가서도 그 공간을 무한대로 확장시켜놓은 것이라면???
- 사랑이 우리가 알 수 없는 어떠한 다른 것이라는 것도 좋았다. 또 블랙홀이 구인 이유가 2차원에서의 원이 3차원의 구라는 것도 좋았다. 근데 왜 블랙홀일까? 5차원 세상으로 통하는 입구가 꼭 블랙홀일 필요는 없잖아. 아니면 우리가 어떤 것도 보지 못해서 블랙홀일까? 아니면 아까 말한 것처럼 공간을 무한대로 확장시켜놓을 것이라서 우리가 봤을 때 아무것도 보이지 않는것인가? 중력은 어떻게 설명할 것인가? 공간이 확대되면서 중력도 확대되나? 아니면 (확대했으니까) 엄청 큰 물체에 중력이 있는데 그 중력은 각 분자에 고르게 나타날 것이고, 이것 때문에 엄청난 중력을 가지게 되는 것인가. 별이 터져서 블랙홀이 된다며. 별이 폭발하면 시공간에 구멍이 뚫리나?
- 크리스토퍼 놀란 굉장히 좋은 일 하고 있다. 좋다.
- 상훈쌤도 이해가 간다. 왜냐하면 스토리 자체가 완벽하게 좋거나 그렇지는 않았기 때문.
5차원은 내가 상상했던 그대로였다. 그니까 내가 상상했던 타임볼텍스였다. 물론 3차원답게 바꾼거기는 하지만.
Mr. Seihyun
2014년 12월 12일 금요일
2014년 5월 28일 수요일
Respecting Your Audience
Recently, I felt like youtubers had changed. I even thought of stop watching the Youtube since it wasn't as attractive as before to me anymore. Although the videos were enjoyable, they're not entirely satisfying.
By this video, however, I saw the glimpse of everything I wanted coming back. This filled me so much more than I thought it could have. Thanks, Charlie.
2013년 9월 21일 토요일
The Power of Youtube
I accidently skipped one of Carrie(aka Itswaypastmybedtime)'s videos. I don't even know why! I never skip her videos! Thankfully, however, I got to see the one I missed.
As usual, she talked about brilliant, sweet, and funny stuff happened to her and among that stuff, she mentioned a wristband, which was sent to her by a hopeful (Hopeful : fandom about Carrie and her niceness and everything). The wristband was for "Compassion It", which is a social movement to inspire everyday compassion actions.
This is a product for the mission, a reversible wristband. You wear it as black to be shown and you can flip it when you've done something compassionate for a day. And then the next day, the wristband goes back to black and another compassionate thing should be done.
I personally do think that this is a great project, and so do Carrie and many other people in the world. This should be spread all over the world because many people just pass a day as a mundane routine and just be tired but not happy. I dare say that this is not only because of many repetitive days, but also lack of connection and communication. Compassion make people human, and happy.
This is also why I consider the idea of selling the wristbands by pair (so the buyers could share this project with their friends) as another brilliance of this project. I really want to make this project worldwide.
Another point I wanted to say was that I have to thank Youtube for letting me know this. A hopeful's creative idea of giving this little gift to Carrie, and Carrie's kindness to share this great project with the world affected a lot to this project (according to http://compassionit.com/carrie-hope-who/).
Speaking of the great project spread by Youtube, I also wanted to say about Lifescouts.
According to its homepage, Lifescouts is a badge-collecting community of people who share real-world experiences online. It is basically a project started by Alex Day (aka nerimon) that reward badges for experiences and share them. And you can buy the physical badges online, which are just so gorgeous, and delivered worldwide.
This project is so creative and superb since it gives the value that experiences deserve, when most of the parents (at least in my country, South Korea) consider them as wastes of time. Plus, anyone, whether you are old or young, can join the community. But the best thing above all of these features is that it positively influences so many people. For the ones who are actually doing these activities can share their stories while they can record their memories, and even for others who are just reading or watching others' stories can be inspired and get to know many stories of the world, which is a very worthwhile and my favorite thing to do.
Also, there's a video which Alex introduces Lifescouts : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhHtuAf27sU. I agree with all his saying but what I like to mention again from his speech is the fact that the stories of Lifescouts badges are unlimited. I mean, the badges does not specify what experience should exactly be, so whatever in your opinion is related to the badge can be shared.
Those were what Alex purposed to do when he started it, but further than that, the community expanded and creating connections between people. To gain the badge about the experience that cannot be done alone, people come along and experience it together. For example(which is a true story), people who wanted to gain picnic badge gathered and went on a picnic and all of them got the badges.
These things are obviously such wonderful things to happen on Earth, but I believe that this is just the first step of this project and as it gets bigger and bigger, it'll be more and more powerful. It totally worthed 6 years that Alex spent for contemplating!
The most common way to share your story is Tumblr. You can go to Lifescouts homepage (which is a tumblr blog) and reblog the badge with your stories or leave a note. In the homepage, you can read others' stories by looking at the notes of each badge. Although tumblr is the most common way, it isn't the only way. Some people share them by vlogging, some people use blogging, and and the way of sharing is also your choice.
Lifescouts : http://lifescouts.com/
Vlogging examples : Alex Day and Carrie Hope Fletcher (Mona Lisa and Effel Tower)
Videos that come out when you youtube 'lifescouts'; many people vlogged about many badges.
Blogging examples : Charlie Mcdonnell (List of the badges he gained)
Carrie Hope Fletcher (Baking Cookies; she reblogged many badges but this is the most recent one.)
I've always wanted to be part of spreading Lifescouts project to the world, and today I did! I don't know how much help it'll give, but I'm happy to be part of it.
I really want two of these movements (or projects) to be spread worldwide. These are some things that can make our lives more exciting and richer, but at the same time, it isn't a big thing and everyone could be part of it. I truly believe the projects like this can change the world, and spreading it can be another Youtube's great role.
P.S. Oh, and as you probably assumed, the title is motivated from 'the Power of Three'.
2013년 9월 1일 일요일
A Person's Life
July 13th 2013. A person's life has ended. He was loved by many people, and will be. His death shocked the world and made it cry. It was so sudden and unexpected. But his death also made people to think about 'death'.
Here's one of the videos people made about what his death let them think.
The Problem With Seth_Alex Day (nerimon)
Just thinking about 'death' is too scary for me. But many people are dying even in this moment and many other people will die as the next moment follows.
Thinking about it is very scary because death, as Alex demonstrates, really is the disappearance of one's existence with a blink of eyes. So sudden, and shocking. It's hard to think about dying doing everyday things - mostly wondering or planning about the future without considering the immediate possibility of the death. This also makes us put our wish/bucket lists tomorrow. However, today's future is tomorrow's present. If you don't start today's present as your dream, you won't find your future as your dream.
If you don't know how to enjoy the present, here's an example.
Maybe One Day_futureshorts
This guy in the video needed to be refreshed. Fortunately, this guy chose to get out of the mundane routine of the day instead of creating a new communicating system. On a wimp, he goes to France, try flying, and do these kind of stuff. But most importantly, he enjoyed doing them. He is fulfilled by the end of the day.
I wrote it the day Cory Monteith died, but I don't think I can finish it anymore. So I'm just gonna upload it.
2013년 6월 18일 화요일
To The Beginners_ElliotExplicit
However, watching this video, I realized that I was wrong. Even diamond needs a delicate workmanship to shine. Patience is necessary for success. If I cannot gain them, I'll never be successful or happy. I wouldn't end up making things I wanna make, or being my true self. I cannot be anything. Even this posting thing would forever be terrible.
The video truly inspired me in a lot of ways and I think this video might change my life. Of course this video hasn't given me the direct answer. I'm still unsure, worrying, doubting myself and my potential. What this video taught me is that what I really have to worry about is not my talent or potential, it is the strength of my patience, and I'm lack of it right now. So I'm thinking about working out with ' patience'. If this new plan of mine succeed at the end, this video will be the one to be thanked.
These are other videos you might wanna watch with this one;
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMG8kdwHEVk <- just a little bit related but still related.so..
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